Online Discussions
Clinical Training Series
MHIT sponsors training events for both clinicians and interpreters. National experts in mental health and Deafness go in depth in some topic of interest related to deafness, mental health and interpreting.
Participation in these events is open to any interpreter
In addition to the renowned interpreter institute, MHIT offers a variety of other programs and projects that support our mission.
Sign Language Proficiency Interview

or clinician interested in working with deaf people who have mental illness and substance abuse or interested in working with deaf people who do.
Past Speakers include: Dr. Barry Critchfield, Dr. Steven Hardy-Braz, Dr. Amanda O'Hern, Sharon Hayes, Angie Kaufman, Amanda Somdal, Dr. Mike Harvey, Alexis Greeves, Dr. Neil Glickman, Dr. Deb Guthmann and Cindi Sternfeld. [MORE]
Community Involvement

Watch This Space
ODS/MHIT staff have always been mindful of the community that has done so much to support us over the years. In addition to the training we do, we also are involved in several projects which allow us to give back. These include community events like "Deaf Coffee Night," Open Captioned movies, Christmas gift drive for our consumers, and other events.
First, it helps reduce the stigma of mental illness. As people are exposed to other people with

Because MHIT does so many training events each year, it is natural that the project would be granted sponsor status for continuing education credits. We are approved by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf as a CMP/ACET sponsor and work closely with other programs for other CE authorization. [MORE]
CMP/ACET Sponsor

At least every other month, MHIT features a webcast lecture on some specific topic related to mental health interpreting. This feature is offered in collaboration with ADARA and allows MHIT alumni to earn CEUs. [MORE]
mental illness and with the staff who work with them, misconceptions begin to fall away and people with mental illnesses are seen as just people.
For people who want to improve their American Sign Language skills, these activities are a place to meet deaf people from all walks of life. They are places where people who are exploring the idea of becoming interpreters can learn about real deaf people in a natural setting.
And finally, these events allow deaf people who work in mental health to come together after hours to socialize.
For more information about these activities, contact us.
Many different programs in Alabama use scores from the Sign Language Proficiency Interview (SLPI) as part of the hiring process. This is especially true with Deaf Services under Mental Health. All of our programs, both those we operate and those we contract with, have specific SLPI levels in the job specifications. [MORE]